Have you ever wondered how to turn on ESP8266 using external interrupt? Build a battery powered amazon dash button or a 18650 lipo powered door bell using ESP8266 without putting the device in deep sleep? Here is your answer.
- Keep ESP8266 on OFF mode as default
- External 3.3V signal (can be short or long) arrives and turns ON ESP8266
- ESP8266 wakes up and keeps itself awake until a task is perfomed
- Send MQTT data to server
- Put ESP8266 back to power OFF state
- RST pin is always HIGH/3.3V using 10k resistor
- ESP8266 is in OFF state, GPIO0 is low
- 3.3V signal arrives externally, GPIO0 and CH_PD are high, turn ON ESP8266
- First thing ESP8266 does is turns GPIO0 to high, which means CH_PD remain high. So ESP8266 remains ON until GPIO0 is high
- GPIO12 is used to read value of external interupt
- If there is 3.3V external interrupt, GPIO is high and a MQTT message is sent as “Signal Received” or “ON” and keep ESP8266 ON until 0V signal is received.
- If there is 0V external interrupt, GPIO0 goes low and MQTT message is sent as “Signal Vanished” or “OFF” and turns OFF ESP8266
This project is built using ideas at http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4458
Github: debsahu/ESP_External_Interrupt