The Button: Amazon "Dash" Type Button to Communicate to Home-Assistant

An attempt to build a Amazon “Dash” type button to communicate with Home Assistant, which is a combination of two different projects GitHub: debsahu/TheButton Things we want to achieve: Low on power consumtion: ESP8266 is OFF when the button is not pressed debsahu/ESP_External_Interrupt Portable: Uses 18650 battery, lasts years Talks to Home Assistant: debsahu/HARestAPI ESP_External_Interrupt GitHub: HARestAPI GitHub:

June 1, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Image Recognition Using Movidius Neural Compute Stick on a RPi0W

Let’s build a security camera using Raspberry Pi Zero W and Movidius Neural Compute Stick to recognize a “person” on the video stream GitHub: debsahu/PiCamMovidius Set up NCSDK API Install required packages on Pi sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler libatlas-base-dev git automake byacc lsb-release cmake libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev swig3.0 graphviz libxslt-dev libxml2-dev gfortran python3-dev python-pip python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-markdown python3-pillow python3-yaml python3-pygraphviz python3-h5py python3-nose python3-lxml python3-matplotlib python3-numpy python3-protobuf python3-dateutil python3-skimage python3-scipy python3-six python3-networkx python3-tk libboost-python-dev Clone NCSDK cd ~ git clone https://github....

May 27, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

MeshyMcLighting: NeoPixels Lighting Solution Using Mesh Network

Wouldn’t be cool for many McLighting (RGB LED lighting using NeoPixels) to talk to each other and synchronize? Here is my naive attempt at this, which requires McLighting to be served as stand-alone web-client. MeshyMcLighting What is this? Wouldn’t be cool for many McLighting to talk to each other and synchronize? Here is my naive attempt at this, which requires McLighting to be served as stand-alone webclient. Features Uses painlessMesh to create mesh network and broadcasts state to every node Does not need WiFi connection to internet, standalone mode + mesh Web interface is borrowed from “WS2812FX esp8266” example, completely served on ESP8266 Can do minimal file upload to SPIFFs Completely Async!...

May 16, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Using RTL-SDR to Read Values From Wireless Electric/Gas/Water Meters

An attempt to use RTL-SDR to read values from wireless electric/gas/water meters and visualize these values on Home Assistant. Software Based on bemasher/RTLAMR Project:

May 5, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

RobinhoodAPI: Live Stock Prices From Robinhood on ESP8266

A simple Arduino library that retrieves live stock prices from in JSON format and processes it for ESP8266. In one example, we demonstrate a whole bunch of stock prices scrolling through a dot-matrix display. Github: debsahu/RobinhoodAPI An Arduino library to talk to Robin Hood using non-documented Rest API made for ESP8266. Some unofficial documentaion by @sanko is available at here] Using the Library Download this GitHub library. In Arduino, Goto Sketch -> Include Library -> Add ....

April 28, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Stock Prediction on Python Using Machine Learning (NARX)

This video is a collaboration with my wife who does “machine learning on big data” for a living. Here is a naive attempt at predicting a particular stock’s price and displaying it on a ESP8266. This algorithm is not the best one out there, but what is being shown here is the ability to port it elsewhere and easily integrate these complex models with micro-controllers (ESP8266) and other devices....

April 20, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

HARestAPI: Control Home Assistant Directly Using ESP8266

Control components on Home Assistant directly from ESP8266. This is an Arduino Library that can be used in various projects without the requirement of setup of a MQTT sensor + automation on HA. This uses RESTful API commands. Idea Control components on Home Assistant directly from ESP8266. Implementation Develop an Arduino Library that can be used in various projects without the requirement of setup of a MQTT sensor + automation on HA....

April 14, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

ESP8266 Based Color Sensor Talking to Home Assistant via RestAPI

Did you ever want to use ESP8266 to communicate to Home Assistant directly? Here we use a TCS34725 color sensor to read colors and change a RGB light in Home Assistant to the color observed. Hardware TCS34725 color sensor SSD 1306 OLED Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) Software RGB Lights connected to Home Assistant toblum/McLighting Aircoookie/WLED

April 7, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Talking to Twitter Using TwitterWebAPI for ESP8266

Idea: Use ESP8266 to talk to Twitter Get User Data or Tweet or Search Twitter Display the data on a Dot-Matrix display Implementation I created an Arduino library to talk to Twitter using its Web API made for ESP8266. There are other approaches like using a bearer token arduino-twitter-api, but comes with limitations in terms of not being able to send tweet. This Arduino library TwitterWebAPI can both search/read and post tweets....

March 19, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Internet Connected Smoke Alarm

Have you wondered how to build a internet connected smoke alarm using ESP8266 and a cheap Kidde RF-SM-DC? Overall idea is to detect smoke alarm signals and send MQTT message. Home Assistant reads the MQTT message and sends out notifications that can be used to notify your local fire station. ESP8266 sends a MQTT message until the smoke alarm is beeping. Software Refer to to build the ESP8266 part of the internet connected smoke alarm....

January 23, 2018 · Debashish Sahu