RobinhoodAPI: Live Stock Prices From Robinhood on ESP8266

A simple Arduino library that retrieves live stock prices from in JSON format and processes it for ESP8266. In one example, we demonstrate a whole bunch of stock prices scrolling through a dot-matrix display. Github: debsahu/RobinhoodAPI An Arduino library to talk to Robin Hood using non-documented Rest API made for ESP8266. Some unofficial documentaion by @sanko is available at here] Using the Library Download this GitHub library. In Arduino, Goto Sketch -> Include Library -> Add ....

April 28, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Stock Prediction on Python Using Machine Learning (NARX)

This video is a collaboration with my wife who does “machine learning on big data” for a living. Here is a naive attempt at predicting a particular stock’s price and displaying it on a ESP8266. This algorithm is not the best one out there, but what is being shown here is the ability to port it elsewhere and easily integrate these complex models with micro-controllers (ESP8266) and other devices....

April 20, 2018 · Debashish Sahu